8. We Believe America’s truly “sick, tired, and poor” deserve the support of our great society…

…These Americans come from all walks of life. We believe the “sick” are those who may be considered not able-bodied or able-minded and these Americans need our help. We believe our great society can help support the “tired” who are typically those who have toiled a lifetime and are approaching their golden years of life. We believe our great society can assist the “poor” who desire not to be poor or dependent on government, but who rather desire to be self-sufficient and self-reliant but they need a helping hand from our great society to get to the point where they can contribute long-term to our society and may need some short-term help along the way. We believe too much reliance upon the government creates a culture of dependency which is not what America’s truly sick, tired, and poor are seeking or deserve.

American Spirit Movement